Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Book Sheds Light on God’s “First” Tablets of Revelation. This Ancient Message, Hidden in the Bible, is Vital to the 21st Century.

The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken is an untraveled path that leads to God’s giving of the Luchot Haedot—the “first” mystical tablets brought down Mt. Sinai. See creation through the eyes of Moses, learn what these tablets truly were, and know their unparalleled message that is the “Bible’s deepest secret.”  

Description: Description: Quote startThe message of the first Luchot will amaze mankind.Description: Description: Quote end

Boca Raton, Florida, Most scholars assume God’s first tablets of Sinai (Luchot Haedot) held the same message as Sinai’s second set of tablets (The Ten Commandments). Nothing could be further from the truth. The Genesis Code reveals the secret of the first tablets, what they truly were, and their purpose in our world.  
Over 3000 years ago, Moses descended Sinai to gift his people with a set of tablets ‘hewed and written by the finger of God.’ However, when Moses reached the mountain’s base, he purposefully broke these tablets—shattering the possibility for his people to know the enlightenment they offered. For thousands of years, the deeper meaning within this story has eluded human consciousness. There is a reason for this: The event surrounding the giving of the Luchot, and their purpose in our world, was purposefully hidden in the Hebrew writings Moses left for mankind.
The Genesis Code answers man's unanswered questions. These findings open man’s eyes to an alternate reality at Sinai—a reality humanity has never known. Everyone can agree, the man of our past existed through a far different consciousness than the man of today. Long ago, at Sinai, the people were unable to take a quantum leap and absorb God’s highest level of enlightenment. After the first tablets were broken by Moses, he spent the rest of his life hiding their powerful force in the outer stories of his writings (the ancient Hebrew texts). This hidden enlightenment—this secret within creation known only by God and Moses—would wait for a future generation of man to realize this truth. Man would have to reach a new level of potential in order to find this enlightenment. Much time has passed, 2012 has arrived, that which was hidden has been found, and once again the question is being asked, “Is mankind ready to take a quantum leap and absorb this level of enlightenment?”   
This revelation is no coincidence—nothing ever is. Hidden and unknown for thousands of years, this ancient message has risen for the consciously aware male and female of the 21st Century. The Genesis Code transcends current understanding and breaks through Biblical mistranslations and misunderstandings. Lopian states, "I studied the Torah and Bible all my life. However, these revelations were hidden from my awareness until I had a life-changing metaphysical experience." Snyder adds, "There was the Adam of yesterday, and there is the Adam of today. The Bible, the word of God, was obviously intended to speak to each generation through their unique perceptions and perspectives. This can only mean the man of today has reached a new level of potential within God’s game.”
The Genesis Code explains the hidden reality of Heaven (Hashomayim) and its relationship to both God and man. On this journey, the reader is projected through new levels of consciousness, and new insight is given into the beginning stages of our universe. The Genesis Code reveals who and what man is through the embedded code within Adam’s name, and unveils the deeper meaning within the Hebraic names for God (Elohim, Jehovah Elohim, and Jehovah), Earth, Jacob, Israel, Moses, and the Mountain of God where the Divine’s portal of enlightenment opened to the man of long ago.
The Genesis Code has lain dormant for over 3,000 years. Yet, something had to happen before this message from God could rise within human awareness. Author, Lopian states, “Man had to reach a particular level of consciousness. He had to reach the fork in the road. Our world is at a crossroads, and mankind must deeply reflect on our belief in God, creation, who we are, and what we wish to become.” Co-Author, Snyder adds, "Since the beginning, we have shed rivers of blood on our quest for power, wealth, and domination. This message has risen because man is out of time. Humanity must change. God’s creation—God’s people—must understand the truth about God, creation, how it works, and what we are—before it’s too late. There is no time left.”
The Genesis Code is a paradox. It is ancient, yet its message has surfaced when man needs it most. It is embedded in the source Hebraic texts, the very same texts which were translated, interpreted, and gave birth to religious ideology. Yet, the paradox is real: This message is one of unity—not separation—and challenges ideology that pits brother against brother and man against nature, itself. It is the message of “Oneness” that challenges the way today’s man perceives one another, the earth, and even God.
For over fifty years, Abraham has studied the Five Books of Moses—not through their translated versions, but directly from the source—the Hebraic Bible—where Moses’ authentic writings can be found. Delving into the raw potential within the enigmatic Hebrew language, Abraham discovered revelations previously overlooked. Abraham has studied the Torah, Talmud, and Rabbinical Law for over fifty years, attending several prestigious Talmudic Colleges throughout the world. Julie, the woman he calls his “enlightenment,” is gifted with metaphysical insight, an innate knowingness, and earthy nature. Together, Lopian and Snyder deliver an extraordinary message that is divine in nature.