Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Unknown World of Mysticism

Throughout the ages, many men and women have connected to and encountered the formless realms of creation. They have been called prophets, mystics, spiritualists, shamans, sages and mediums. Spiritualism has been with us since the beginning of human consciousness.

These individuals are highly sensitive human beings that tap into the most powerful reality in creation—the metaphysical world where the concentrated power of the Godliness flows. We have heard about their surreal experiences as they travel to dimensions beyond our three dimensional world.

There, in that other place, their consciousness merges with something much larger than themselves. The spiritual male and female are connected to the unseen world. Know this phenomenon occurs more often than people realize, but it is rarely discussed and accepted by modern day man. And whether accepted or not, this aspect of human consciousness is very much a part of human reality.

Our book series is due to launch in July 2011. We look forward to sharing more useful information with you in the near future.

Thank you,
The Genesis Code Book Series Team

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