Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Bible Code: Discovered

Many are unaware the Bible holds a secret code. The Torah’s Five Books of Moses is the home of the Bible code and where its revelations shine most bright. The Bible code is real. Its true. It can be proven. It exists. As the Bible code is unveiled, its numerous revelations expose a brilliant message for mankind.
As the code enters our awareness, questions immediately surface, “Why did God hide this profound enlightenment from man’s awareness? Even more perplexing, from whom, or what, was God hiding the Bible code from?” There is no doubt this phenomenal source of enlightenment was hidden in the ancient Hebrew texts and purposefully concealed from the eyes of humanity. The quintessential question is, “Why?”
Before these questions can be answered, we must ask ourselves the following:
1. Do we walk in the same level of awareness as those who lived 3,500 years ago?
2. If we came face-to-face with a man from the distant and far off future, could we possibly grasp and understand his super-advanced consciousness?
As we reflect on these questions, it is obvious the man of our past, compared to the man of today, experienced his life through a drastically different level of awareness. Important to realize, one generation’s consciousness is no better or worse than another, only different. However, something was required prior to the Bible code being unraveled. Man needed more time. Mankind needed to experience his many levels of self–both emotionally and intellectually.
The rabbis and scholars have always known a precious code was embedded in the ancient Hebrew texts. However, the code could not be unraveled because mankind required more time to experience his many levels of self-both emotionally and intellectually. Man’s consciousness had not evolved-enough.
Humanity has come to understand the magnificent intelligence and program within DNA, the fascinating world of quantum mechanics, sub-atomic realities, and the existence of black holes throughout our universe. We have voyaged to space, made great achievements in science and technology, and have come to understand the effect of man’s nature on nature, itself. Everything has its place in time. It is abundantly clear, the man of our past was unable to see or realize the Torah’s Genesis Code because his heart was beating to a different pace. We are no longer who we were before. We are different. We have grown. We have changed and now possess the necessary elements to appreciate and understand the Bible code and its sophisticated enlightenment.
The Bible code has revealed itself through a new book: THE GENESIS CODE, God Has Spoken. This book is your portal into enlightenment. Knowledge streams into our reality when we are ready and able to absorb new wisdom. Here you will discover the Bible’s many secrets of creation.
Authors: Abraham Lopian and Julie Snyder

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