Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Genesis Code-Your Portal Into Advanced Enlightenment

            Author Abraham Lopian is a public speaker and consultant accredited with the discovery of the Bible code found within the ancient Hebrew texts of the Five Books of Moses. Abraham and Julie, through their diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and experiences bring forth extraordinary revelations of enlightenment for the consciously evolved male and female of today. With passion and intelligence, the reader is taken into the rabbit hole of advanced conceptions where a new and extraordinary perspective of God, man, nature, life, death, love, and reality emerges out of the shadows and into the light of human awareness.
          This message of advanced enlightenment has streamed into man's consciousness for one reason alone: to guide mankind out of the darkness and into the light of a new era. Discover the Bible's Hidden Message: Within the names for God, Adam, Heavens, Earth, Moses, Israel, and Jacob, is a coded message from God to mankind. The Genesis Code delivers answers to man's unanswered questions:
1. Metaphysical Insight: Learn about the hidden subatomic world that drives man's reality.
2. What is God? Is God male? Why was man created? What is consciousness? How does man create his own reality?
3. The Deeper Story of Moses: Why was this one man chosen to receive God's ultimate enlightenment? What was Moses' secret relationship to the Heavens? What is Moses' message to the male and female of today?
4. The Lost Set of Tablets: Most people are unaware a first set of tablets preceded The Ten Commandments. What was the message of the first tablets brought down the mountain by Moses? What happened to this lost and primary message of enlightenment?

          As many use computer generated programs to decode the Bible, The Genesis Code comes to mankind from a very different angle-through a perspective of scholastic learning together with revolutionary enlightenment. The Genesis Code is the long-lost message given to the Israelites after their escape from Egypt. Furthermore, humanity must know this message was given to mankind from God, itself. While the man of long ago was not ready for this advanced level of enlightenment, the male and female of today have grown and are ready to absorb this vast wisdom.
         Among the concepts included in The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken, readers will become enlightened to the following:
1. Why does the Bible hold a secret code?
2. Why did God hide this message from man's awareness?
3. What is the Godliness?
4. What are the Heavens?
5. What role does Heaven play in manifesting human reality?
6. Where does man come from?
7. Why do we exist?
8. What does God need man?
9. Who was Moses?
10. What were the first tablets that preceded the Ten Commandments?
11. The deeper story within Jacob and Esau?
12. The hidden code in Israel?
13. The secret within consciousness and quantum reality.
          Abraham and Julie use their deep insight into God and creation to open man's eyes to a Bible they have never known before. This is a journey of the highest level where the depths of man's soul is found.

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