Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken - Press Release

A Masterpiece of Enlightenment, New Book Delivers True Bible Code -- a 3500 Year-Old Message that Challenges Age-Old Perceptions of God and Reality.

Are you ready to travel down the rabbit hole of advanced conceptions? Are you ready to enter the portal and know what is on the other side? The Genesis Code leads us into the metaphysical realms of creation and answers man's unanswered questions. This page turning epic opens our minds to alternate realities and enlightens us to the sentient matrix that thrives in Adam's world.

It has taken 3,500 years, but the Bible code has finally been revealed to mankind!  We are nearing the end of an era, and 2012 will bring in a new level of human consciousness.  TheGenesis Code: God Has Spoken has risen with a purpose: To guide mankind into the next era of human consciousness.

Authored by Abraham Lopian and Julie A. Snyder, humanity will be shocked, awakened, and transformed by The Genesis Code's extraordinary revelations into God, the beginning stages of our universe, the quantum world through which realities manifest, and the magnificent journey of human consciousness. Page after page, our eyes were opened as we traveled through unchartered dimensions within creation and learned of Heaven's best-kept secret.

As we continued our journey down the rabbit hole, we were shown the hidden message in the Hebrew names for God, Moses, the Luchot Haedot (the rarely discussed tablets that preceded the Ten Commandments), Adam, Heaven, Earth, Jacob, and Israel. In the end, we were taken to the mountain of revelation, where a divine portal opened and closed to the man of long ago.

This is the untold story of creation that offers a new level of awareness in the human world. Snyder states, "There was the Adam of yesterday, and there is the Adam of today--each existing through his unique reality and particular level of consciousness. This enlightenment is so advanced, so brilliant and fascinating, everyone--whether religious, spiritual, even those of science--will find profound and mind-altering wisdom in The Genesis Code's message."  Lopian adds, "Mankind will soon know the depths of their powers, how creation actually works, man's relationship with God, and why we exist in a dimension of time. Be prepared, this is far more than another familiar translation of the Bible."

Abraham’s profound insight into theTorah and Talmud, combined with Julie’s earthy nature and innate knowingness, saturate the reader with new levels of mind-boggling awareness. It becomes clear; Lopian and Snyder have delivered a spectacular message that is divine in nature.  Together, they open our minds and take us where no man has gone before. This book is a new dimension of light that is clearly explained and intended for all of humanity, regardless of creed, religion, or race. Through wisdom, intellect, and compassion, The Genesis Code calls out to the spiritual warriors within mankind that know many obstacles and challenges face the male and female of today.

ISBN No. 978-1461159216
Retail Price $24.99

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Journey Into The Hidden

Before you ever arrived, you chose this destination. While you may not know it, your consciousness moves in and out of dimensions between the heavens and the earth. This hidden aspect of you continuously travels between the formless and physical worlds, and back again, every moment of your existence. As it moves, your consciousness transforms, morphing within the dimension it is actuated.
Clear your mind, for your life, as well as that which you currently perceive to be death, is far more mysterious than you ever imagined. Realize, however, death is only an illusion. While many people believe their existence forever ends as they draw in their last breath of air, this is not so. Your consciousness will never cease to exist. Your energy never dies, it only transforms. Energy can never be destroyed. Once energy consciousness exists, it will transition into various forms of matter consciousness. This is a scientific fact. Your consciousness will continue to experience its essence long after your eyes close for the last time in this dimension.
You, a phenomenal energy consciousness, are on a fantastic journey. While you may not have realized it, you have already travelled far-exiting one dimension only to arrive in another. Here on earth, where you currently stand, you feel quite comfortable; however, know this is a temporary location for your consciousness. Your eternal home, and the source of your existence, is on the other side of the portal in another dimension hidden from your awareness.
Your life on earth began when you drew in your first breath of air. This was the moment your consciousness awakened to a new reality and your eyes took in a three-dimensional world. For you, this was a new experience and transformation of consciousness. Your life, on earth, was to be a new beginning.
From the other side, you had chosen a new and specific life path that would be a journey of self-realization on earth. Now, through a three-dimensional reality, you will experience that which you desired to know from your other side of self. Know the life you experience today was your choice. Your earth-bound destination and starting point for your soul's adventures was chosen by you-to be experienced by you. And here you will stay until it is time to go back to the place from which you came-your eternal home on the other side of the portal.
As you experience your life, your soul will take in new sights, experience amazing things, and feel both joy and tremendous sorrow. This is an inescapable fact. All that you live through, the good together with the bad, will elevate your consciousness bringing forth wisdom, strength, and understanding.Hopefully, when all is said and done, you will have loved and been loved like never before.
The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken is book No. 1 of the Genesis Code book series over 10 years in the making. Don't miss out on the most advanced enlightenment in our world today.
For additional information, please visit our website
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Genesis Code-Your Portal Into Advanced Enlightenment

            Author Abraham Lopian is a public speaker and consultant accredited with the discovery of the Bible code found within the ancient Hebrew texts of the Five Books of Moses. Abraham and Julie, through their diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and experiences bring forth extraordinary revelations of enlightenment for the consciously evolved male and female of today. With passion and intelligence, the reader is taken into the rabbit hole of advanced conceptions where a new and extraordinary perspective of God, man, nature, life, death, love, and reality emerges out of the shadows and into the light of human awareness.
          This message of advanced enlightenment has streamed into man's consciousness for one reason alone: to guide mankind out of the darkness and into the light of a new era. Discover the Bible's Hidden Message: Within the names for God, Adam, Heavens, Earth, Moses, Israel, and Jacob, is a coded message from God to mankind. The Genesis Code delivers answers to man's unanswered questions:
1. Metaphysical Insight: Learn about the hidden subatomic world that drives man's reality.
2. What is God? Is God male? Why was man created? What is consciousness? How does man create his own reality?
3. The Deeper Story of Moses: Why was this one man chosen to receive God's ultimate enlightenment? What was Moses' secret relationship to the Heavens? What is Moses' message to the male and female of today?
4. The Lost Set of Tablets: Most people are unaware a first set of tablets preceded The Ten Commandments. What was the message of the first tablets brought down the mountain by Moses? What happened to this lost and primary message of enlightenment?

          As many use computer generated programs to decode the Bible, The Genesis Code comes to mankind from a very different angle-through a perspective of scholastic learning together with revolutionary enlightenment. The Genesis Code is the long-lost message given to the Israelites after their escape from Egypt. Furthermore, humanity must know this message was given to mankind from God, itself. While the man of long ago was not ready for this advanced level of enlightenment, the male and female of today have grown and are ready to absorb this vast wisdom.
         Among the concepts included in The Genesis Code: God Has Spoken, readers will become enlightened to the following:
1. Why does the Bible hold a secret code?
2. Why did God hide this message from man's awareness?
3. What is the Godliness?
4. What are the Heavens?
5. What role does Heaven play in manifesting human reality?
6. Where does man come from?
7. Why do we exist?
8. What does God need man?
9. Who was Moses?
10. What were the first tablets that preceded the Ten Commandments?
11. The deeper story within Jacob and Esau?
12. The hidden code in Israel?
13. The secret within consciousness and quantum reality.
          Abraham and Julie use their deep insight into God and creation to open man's eyes to a Bible they have never known before. This is a journey of the highest level where the depths of man's soul is found.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Bible Code: Discovered

Many are unaware the Bible holds a secret code. The Torah’s Five Books of Moses is the home of the Bible code and where its revelations shine most bright. The Bible code is real. Its true. It can be proven. It exists. As the Bible code is unveiled, its numerous revelations expose a brilliant message for mankind.
As the code enters our awareness, questions immediately surface, “Why did God hide this profound enlightenment from man’s awareness? Even more perplexing, from whom, or what, was God hiding the Bible code from?” There is no doubt this phenomenal source of enlightenment was hidden in the ancient Hebrew texts and purposefully concealed from the eyes of humanity. The quintessential question is, “Why?”
Before these questions can be answered, we must ask ourselves the following:
1. Do we walk in the same level of awareness as those who lived 3,500 years ago?
2. If we came face-to-face with a man from the distant and far off future, could we possibly grasp and understand his super-advanced consciousness?
As we reflect on these questions, it is obvious the man of our past, compared to the man of today, experienced his life through a drastically different level of awareness. Important to realize, one generation’s consciousness is no better or worse than another, only different. However, something was required prior to the Bible code being unraveled. Man needed more time. Mankind needed to experience his many levels of self–both emotionally and intellectually.
The rabbis and scholars have always known a precious code was embedded in the ancient Hebrew texts. However, the code could not be unraveled because mankind required more time to experience his many levels of self-both emotionally and intellectually. Man’s consciousness had not evolved-enough.
Humanity has come to understand the magnificent intelligence and program within DNA, the fascinating world of quantum mechanics, sub-atomic realities, and the existence of black holes throughout our universe. We have voyaged to space, made great achievements in science and technology, and have come to understand the effect of man’s nature on nature, itself. Everything has its place in time. It is abundantly clear, the man of our past was unable to see or realize the Torah’s Genesis Code because his heart was beating to a different pace. We are no longer who we were before. We are different. We have grown. We have changed and now possess the necessary elements to appreciate and understand the Bible code and its sophisticated enlightenment.
The Bible code has revealed itself through a new book: THE GENESIS CODE, God Has Spoken. This book is your portal into enlightenment. Knowledge streams into our reality when we are ready and able to absorb new wisdom. Here you will discover the Bible’s many secrets of creation.
Authors: Abraham Lopian and Julie Snyder

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back Cover Text on our book

The Bible holds a secret. It always has.
Hidden within the Five Books of Moses are the coded revelations of a 3,500-year-old message from God to mankind. The Genesis Code was seeded in man’s world long before the rise of religion. In fact, this brilliant enlightenment vehemently challenges age-old perceptions of God, reality, and man’s role in creation.
The Genesis Code is a highly-advanced level of metaphysical knowledge that will open your eyes to the unseen realms of creation and change the way you see yourself and the world around you.
We live in a time the prophets have foreseen. Mankind is entering a new era. Human consciousness has evolved, and we are no longer the man of our past. The time is now for man to take a quantum leap and realize we are extraordinarily powerful creators that manifest reality.
See the Bible as you have never seen it before. Through The Genesis Code, you will learn of the hidden message within the Hebrew names for God, Heaven, Earth, Adam, Jacob, Israel, Moses, and the Luchot Haedot—the mystical tablets of Mt. Sinai.
The Genesis Code is the untold story of creation and a journey into the rabbit hole of advanced conceptions. These profound revelations will change your life and lead you into the unknown depths of your searching soul.
A portal has opened through which you will find the other side of yourself. The time has come for you to become the next level of Adam and change the world one person at a time.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Return of the Cryptic Luchot

An ancient story exists—a story that is rarely talked about. We will now delve into a Biblical revelation that sheds new light on an experience between Moses and God at Mt. Sinai. To our knowledge, The Genesis Code’s insight into this extraordinary encounter cannot be found in any other books or teachings, including the Talmud. This, in itself, is astonishing when one considers the ancient texts have been scoured over since the very beginning. 
This is the story of the ‘first and original’ Torah given to the Children of Israel over 3,500 years ago. While our world is very familiar with The Ten Commandments, most people are unaware these tablets were not the ‘first and original’ set of tablets Moses brought down the mountain and delivered to the Israelites.
It is profoundly important you understand another extraordinary set of tablets preceded The Ten Commandments. The Torah refers to these mystical tablets as ‘Luchot Haedot’ which means ‘Tablets of Witness or Testimony’. We will explain why the first tablets were called the ‘Tablets of Witness’ and the secret they hold.
Until now, the Luchot’s purpose has been greatly misunderstood. Furthermore, their hidden meaning and consequential effect in our world has been mostly extinguished from our minds. In truth, the extraordinary enlightenment offered by the Luchot has been forgotten.
Nearly everyone, regardless of their religion, culture or status, knows very little about the Luchot and their purpose in our world. This, however, is about to change. So what was lost? What were the Tablets of Witness? Where did the tablets come from, and who or what created them? What message did we fail to absorb within our consciousness? Is it possible the tablets were a way for God to communicate the secrets of our universe and show us who and what we truly are?
Of profound importance, know the Luchot is the key to the Torah’s Genesis Code. It is the link and driving force of the Bible’s many secrets and its highly intelligent message. The Luchot’s importance must not be underestimated, and its relationship with man must be known. The time has come to breathe new life into the lost story of the Luchot and know what really happened between Moses and God on top of Mt. Sinai so long ago.


The Luchot’s secret affects
our world, even today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bless and be Blessed

the Hebrew word for blessing is, ‘berach’, which means ‘knee or bow to’. When we bend our knee to another, we are showing a humble and subservient nature. Through the blessing, we give our active and emotional support for another’s talent and internal power.
Each of us possess a talent or power that is unique and unlike any other individual’s on this planet. The Creator never manifests two individuals to be the same and, through the blessing, we are honoring that which is different in others. Most people believe God wants man to bow to it and serve God, yet that is not the deeper message of the blessing.
Many believe mankind should bow down to the Godliness. However, this is a misconception and not what God desires from its creation. What the Elohim desires is for each man to bow down to another, for one culture to bow to another culture, and for one nation to bow to another nation.
The Elohim wants mankind to recognize each of us is a facet of the Godliness, existing through different levels of awareness, their nature embedded with various talents and perspectives. God desires for man to accept one another for who they are and help them grow into their highest potential.
Through the blessing, we bless another’s potential and forego bragging about our own. To bless another requires humility and a sense of vulnerability. Yet, those who are wise and aware will come to realize through the blessing and support of another, we not only find their greatness, but the greatness that is our own. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Unknown World of Mysticism

Throughout the ages, many men and women have connected to and encountered the formless realms of creation. They have been called prophets, mystics, spiritualists, shamans, sages and mediums. Spiritualism has been with us since the beginning of human consciousness.

These individuals are highly sensitive human beings that tap into the most powerful reality in creation—the metaphysical world where the concentrated power of the Godliness flows. We have heard about their surreal experiences as they travel to dimensions beyond our three dimensional world.

There, in that other place, their consciousness merges with something much larger than themselves. The spiritual male and female are connected to the unseen world. Know this phenomenon occurs more often than people realize, but it is rarely discussed and accepted by modern day man. And whether accepted or not, this aspect of human consciousness is very much a part of human reality.

Our book series is due to launch in July 2011. We look forward to sharing more useful information with you in the near future.

Thank you,
The Genesis Code Book Series Team

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gods Message to Man

He was devoted to writing the Five Books of Moses and embedding a higher understanding of the Elohim’s essence in its very letters and words. And while the Five Books of Moses provide incredible stories and insight into levels of the Godliness, we have come to realize they are much, much more than metaphorical tales risen from the mind and imagination of man’s past.  
Until we, as a people, decode and integrate the consciousness of the Elohim, we will exist in a level of partial truth and understanding. There is only one way to make a quantum leap to the next level of human consciousness and it is through the secrets of creation offered to mankind over 3,500 years ago. God offered his hand, yet we were not ready. However, that was long, long ago. What you must realize is the Creator’s hand is still extended outward welcoming mankind. His finger is still projecting into this dimension through the embedded code within the Five Books of Moses.
Now, it is up to us to make the choice once again. Either will we accept this code and this different awareness of God, man and creation that has been shown to us, or is it still too advanced for man’s collective consciousness?
This message is for all of humanity and it will again be up to humanity to accept or reject God’s highest level message to man that explains who we are, what we are, why we are here, how we came to be, and what the Godliness truly is. Are you ready? 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How Do You React To Life's Scenarios?

How you react to life’s scenarios, is how you come to know who you truly are. You can never defeat yourself. You can only come to know another facet of yourself, gain awareness and transform your consciousness on your quest to reach your highest potential. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Did You Know Moses wrote 2 sets of Tablets on Mt Sanai

The Bible holds a secret. It always has. Did you know a 3,500 year old code exists in the Five Books of Moses and Old Testament? The Rabbis, Priests and Scholars have always known a coded message exists, however, it had never been deciphered or revealed to mankind until now.
Since the beginning mankind has been asking the questions, and The Genesis Code delivers the answers. Now, for the first time, the Bible’s secret message and highest level of enlightenment is being revealed to the male and female of the 21st Century.
Everything you ever thought you understood about God and creation is about to change. Humanity has evolved, and we are now able to understand what the man of our past could not.  Through The Genesis Code’s revelations, we come to know the true reality of the Godliness, how our universe came to be, and our purpose in this world.
Come with us on this journey and discover who and what you truly are. Learn how manifestation actually works, and know The Genesis Code reveals what the others haven’t told you.
You are about to journey closer to the mind of the God than ever before as you fall down the rabbit hole of Creation which runs infinitely deep within the garden of the Godliness.  We welcome you to this life-changing journey, and we guarantee you will never look at God, creation, and your fellow man the same way again.